"Nobody's Driving"
"Cocaine Speaking"
...andrez and co-conspirators jeff willis (kandyman) and franc tetaz (shinjuku filth) readdress classic
chicago outfit phuture in this 2000 track remixed several times and released on a bunch of records...
"The track is awesome... Love it.
I really like that it is so slow.
Heavy is cool!"
- Khan [Can] Oral,
a.k.a. Biz OD, 4E &
Captain Comatose
"Jack Your Kitsch Up"
"Alright Already"
...Marcella Brassett makes her vocal debut on this track that was Beat's Single Of The Week in 2000.
"Kitty's Track"
"Nobody's Eye"
"Fried Fuyu aux Bisous"
"O_O......this is toooooo crazy for me. I've never heard anything this crazy for me. It's at an amazing
speed like faster than the speed of light!!! It kinda scared me at first lol. It's very...different from any other DnB I've
ever heard before. However, I can tell that you spent quite a great amount of time on this one with everything being cut up.
I don't like how it ends, because it's doesn't sound like it ends on an ending like note, you know? However, lots of effort
was put into here and can be appreciate for its total craziness!!!" msl -
11 March 2006